EN Their banter was not new to him and now it flattered his mild proud sovereignty.
GL As súas bromas non eran novas para el e desta volta afagábanlle a superioridade tranquilamente orgullosa.
Fonte: RET (3336)
transitive verb
burlarse de
EN 'I lost my brooch --my grandmother's brooch,' said Minta with a sound of lamentation in her voice, and a suffusion in her large brown eyes, looking down, looking up, as she sat by Mr Ramsay, which roused his chivalry so that he bantered her.
GL --Perdín o meu broche... o broche da miña avoa --dixo Minta cun ton de queixume e os enormes ollos castaños cheos de bágoas, baixando e levantando a mirada mentres sentaba á beira do señor Ramsay, que sentiu tan estimulada a súa cortesía como para burlarse dela.
Fonte: CAR (1509)