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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- chick, chicken, chiding, chief, chiefly, chieftain, chieftainship, chiffon, chiffonier, child, childbear, childbearing, childbirth, childcare, childhood, childish, childishly, childless, childlike


- noun
- Pl: children
- fillo

EN His children, too, were as ragged and wild as if they belonged to nobody.
GL Os fillos del ían tan farrapentos e resultaban tan salvaxes que semellaban non ter familia.
- Fonte: RIP (35)
- neno

EN The house seemed full of children sleeping and Mrs Ramsay listening; of shaded lights and regular breathing.
GL A casa semellaba chea de nenos a durmiren mentres a señora Ramsay escoitaba; semellaba chea de luces tenues e respiracións regulares.
- Fonte: CAR (623)
- cativo

EN The noise of children at play annoyed him and their silly voices made him feel, even more keenly than he had felt at Clongowes, that he was different from others.
GL O ruído dos cativos xogando amocábao e as súas voces parvas facíanlle sentir, mesmo con máis forza que en Clongowes, que el era diferente dos outros.
- Fonte: RET (1400)
- pícaro

EN Children, dogs, pigs and cats swarm in the picturesque Calle de San Martín, with its low granite houses, fountains and arcades; children gather round women here and there roasting chestnuts over glowing charcoal fires.
GL Rebolen os rapaces, os cans, os porcos e os gatos na típica Rúa de San Martiño, de casas baixas de pedra, con fontes e soportais; os pícaros amoréanse ó redor das mulleres que asan castañas sobre lumes de carbón.
- Fonte: GAL (1213)
- rapaz

EN Children, however, are incidents that do and will occur in this life; and must not be blinked.
GL Os rapaces, sen embargo, son incidentes que ocorren e acontecerán nesta vida, e non debe un pecha-los ollos sobre eles.
- Fonte: LET (94)
- raparigo

EN You bad nothing to do with the kidnapping of the child.
GL Vostede non tiña nada que ver co secuestro da rapariga.
- Fonte: ASA (5658)
- menor

EN Girls crowd the ranks of out-of-school children disproportionately, representing nearly two of every three children in the developing world who do not receive a primary education, according to UNICEF.
GL O número de nenas que non asisten á escola é desproporcionado, xa que, segundo a UNICEF, estas representan dúas de cada tres menores que non reciben educación primaria no mundo en desenvolvemento.
- Fonte: C02 (105)