EN Whenever he descended into the city it was in grand parade, on horseback, surrounded by his guards, or in his state coach, an ancient and unwieldy Spanish edifice of carved timber and gilt leather, drawn by eight mules, with running footmen, outriders, and lackeys; on which occasions he flattered himself he impressed every beholder with awe and admiration as vicegerent of the king; though the wits of Granada, particularly those who loitered about the palace of the captain-general, were apt to sneer at his petty parade, and in allusion to the vagrant character of his subjects, to greet him with the appellation of "the king of the beggars".
GL Sempre que baixaba á cidade facíao con gran pompa, de a cabalo, rodeado polos seus gardas, ou no seu coche de gala, un vello e pesado armatoste español de madeira tallada e coiro dourado, arrastrado por oito mulas, con escoltas a pé, estribeiros e lacaios; en semellantes ocasións gabábase el de impresionar e abraiar a tódolos espectadores como vicerexente do rei, aínda que os chufóns de Granada, sobre todo os que lacazaneaban arredor do palacio do capitán xeneral, tiñan o vezo de se mofar da parada de xoguete e, aludindo á fasquía moinante dos seus vasalos, saudábano co apelativo de "O Rei dos Pedichóns".
Fonte: ALH (12)
EN The three men stood at the end of the coach looking at each other.
GL Os tres homes permaneceron de pé ó fondo do vagón, mirando uns para os outros.
Fonte: ASA (4535)
EN Ed Banky was the basketball coach at Pencey.
GL Ed Banky era o entrenador de baloncesto en Pencey.
Fonte: VIX (1404)
EN "Many women have been trained in recent years as referees and coaches--about 16,000 of them, in all sports," says Shaghaghi.
GL "Nestes últimos anos, moitas mulleres foron formadas para converterse en árbitros ou adestradoras. O número destas últimas elévase a 16.000 en tódalas disciplinas", afirma Mahnaz Amir Shaghaghi.
Fonte: C14 (109)