EN The cocks are singing to the dawn Arise, my love, and go thy way.
GL Cantan os galos ó día meu amor, érguete e vaite.
Fonte: GAL (1378)
EN There were two cocks that you turned and water came out: cold and hot.
GL Había dúas billas que, ao seren viradas, botaban agua: fría e quente.
Fonte: RET (116)
EN Jaralson was making a vigilant circumspection of the forest, his shotgun held in both hands and at full cock, his finger upon the trigger.
GL Jaralson, mentres, vixiaba a fraga ao seu redor, agarrando o rifle, martelado, coas dúas mans, e co dedo no gatillo.
Fonte: HAL (222)
transitive verb
EN "Coyote maybe," he said, and Kino heard the harsh click as he cocked the rifle.
GL --Pode ser un coiote --dixo el. E Kino oíu o áspero clic ó carga-lo rifle.
Fonte: PER (1565)