EN I'll just have a word with Anna Schmidt, a word of commiseration, and then I'll pack and go.
GL Vou falar un instante con Anna Schmidt, dareille simplemente o pésame e logo fago as maletas e voume.
Fonte: TER (619)
EN The uncouth faces passed him two by two, stained yellow or red or livid by the sea, and, as he strove to look at them with ease and indifference, a faint stain of personal shame and commiseration rose to his own face.
GL As paifocas facianas pasaron xunto a el, de dúas en dúas, amarelas, vermellas ou pálidas por causa da brisa mariña, e, aínda que Stephen procuraba miralas sen turbación e con indiferencia, notou que un arrebol de vergoña persoal e de conmiseración lle viña ao rostro.
Fonte: RET (3279)
EN She was moved by a kind of commiseration for Madame Ratignolle,--a pity for that colorless existence which never uplifted its possessor beyond the region of blind contentment, in which no moment of anguish ever visited her soul, in which she would never have the taste of life's delirium.
GL Sentía unha especie de compaixón por Madame Ratignolle, piedade por aquela existencia gris que nunca a elevaría por riba da satisfacción cega onde non hai lugar para a angustia na súa alma nin para saborea-lo delirio de vivir.
Fonte: ESP (1544)