EN Secondly, I remarked that Leibnitz was always cheerful and obliging; most courteous and communicative to his fellow-laborers in literature or science; with a single exception (which rests, I think, as the sole stain upon his memory) just, and even generously just to the claims of others: uncensorious, and yet patient of censure; willing to teach, and most willing to be taught.
GL En segundo lugar, notei que Leibnitz era sempre amable e ledo, moi educado e comunicativo cos seus compañeiros de traballo na literatura ou na ciencia; cunha soa excepción (que queda, penso, como a única mancha na súa memoria), xusto, e mesmo xenerosamente xusto, coas demandas dos outros; non censor e sen embargo paciente coa censura; disposto a ensinar e aínda máis a ser ensinado.
Fonte: LET (70)