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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- complacent, complacently, complain, complainant, complainingly, complaint, complement, complementarity, complementary, complete, completed, completely, completeness, completion, complex, complexion, complexity, compliance, complicate


- adjective
- completo

EN And then, suddenly, after a quarter of an hour's complete immobility, his eyebrows began to move slowly up his forehead.
GL Entón, de socate, logo dun cuarto de hora de completa inmobilidade, as súas cellas comezaron a moverse na fronte, arriba e abaixo.
- Fonte: ASA (4929)
- acabado

EN The thing was generally complete, but the twisted crystalline bars lay unfinished upon the bench beside some sheets of drawings, and I took one up for a better look at it.
GL A cousa estaba maiormente acabada, pero as barras cristalinas dobradas descansaban aínda sen rematar sobre o banco xunto con algunhas follas con bosquexos, e eu collín unha das barras para mirala mellor.
- Fonte: TEM (220)
- absoluto

EN Suddenly, the empty drawing-room steps, the frill of the chair inside, the puppy tumbling on the terrace, the whole wave and whisper of the garden became like curves and arabesques flourishing round a centre of complete emptiness.
GL De súpeto, os chanzos baleiros da sala, o freque da butaca que había dentro, o cadelo dando choutos pola terraza, todo o formigo e o murmurio do xardín convertéronse en curvas e arabescos ramificándose arredor dun centro de absoluto baleiro.
- Fonte: CAR (2841)
- total

EN Eric watched the scurrying wood-lice that were so frantically unable to avoid the flames, and thought of the first fire -- just down there, on the steeper side of the mountains, where now was complete darkness.
GL Eric observou a couza axitándose freneticamente, incapaz de evita-las lapas e pensou na primeira fogueira, xusto alí embaixo, no lado máis costento da montaña, onde agora reinaba unha escuridade total.
- Fonte: SEN (2823)
- cumprido

EN According to Thomas Nugent, author of The Grand Tour (1749), this was a custom "visibly tending to enrich the mind with knowledge, to rectify the judgment, to remove the prejudices of education, to compose the outward manners, and in a word form the complete gentleman".
GL Segundo Thomas Nugent, autor de A gran xira (1749), ese costume "tendía visiblemente a enriquece-la mente con coñecementos, rectificar xuízos, elimina-los prexuízos da educación, adquirir bos modais, en poucas palabras, a formar un cumprido cabaleiro".
- Fonte: C12 (102)

- transitive verb
- completar

EN Was not the whole necessary to complete the charm?
GL ¿Non tería que bebela toda para completa-lo feitizo?
- Fonte: MOR (241)
- rematar

EN Mr. Merriman said that Mr. Arobin's remark about inquisitive people reminded him of a man from Waco the other day at the St. Charles Hotel --but as Mr. Merriman's stories were always lame and lacking point, his wife seldom permitted him to complete them.
GL O señor Merriman dixo que os comentarios de Arobin sobre a xente preguntona lembrábanlle a un home de Waco que coñecera había uns días en St. Charles Hotel; pero como as historias do señor Merriman eran sempre frouxas e faltas de chispa, a súa dona rara vez lle deixaba rematalas.
- Fonte: ESP (2478)
- terminar

EN "However I did learn how to make simple clothes for women and children," she said, "but I really wanted to complete the training so I could be fully qualified".
GL "Aprendín a coser modelos sinxelos para nenos e mulleres. Pero quería termina-la miña formación, para ter unha cualificación completa", afirma con moita convicción.
- Fonte: C13 (805)
- concluír

EN According to David Kinniburgh of the British Geological Survey, who has recently completed a detailed study of the arsenic's route into millions of tubewells, the arsenic concentration in the mud is not extraordinary.
GL Segundo David Kinniburgh, especialista do British Geological Survey que acaba de concluír un estudio sobre traxectoria do arsénico, a concentración dese veleno non ten nada de excepcional.
- Fonte: C30 (893)
- cumprir

EN Penalties might also be levied in the case of non-compliance, or rewards might be agreed upon ahead of time for each step completed as promised.
GL Tamén se poden prever sancións en caso de incumprimento ou primas fixadas de antemán, concedidas cada vez que unha das partes cumpriu os seus compromisos.
- Fonte: C28 (739)