EN The consecration of Asian cinema is happening now, but the movement has been growing for years; Kiarostami is almost 60.
GL Por fin as películas procedentes do continente asiático obteñen unha consagración oficial. Pero o movemento iniciouse hai xa tempo abondas. Abbas Kiarostami, por exemplo, ten arredor de 60 anos".
Fonte: C03 (94)
..... with the consecration of the years
co paso dos anos
EN He was at all events destined to become aware little by little, as time went by, that she was all the while looking at his life, judging it, measuring it, in the light of the thing she knew, which grew to be at last, with the consecration of the years, never mentioned between them save as "the real truth" about him.
GL En todo caso, estaba destinado a decatarse pouco a pouco, conforme pasaba o tempo, de que ela estaba sempre observando a súa vida, xulgándoa, avaliándoa segundo aquilo que sabía, que finalmente, co paso dos anos, chegou a ser mencionado entre eles unicamente como "a auténtica verdade" sobre el.
Fonte: BES (260)