transitive verb
EN She would not join the groups in their sports and bouts, but intoxicated with her newly conquered power, she swam out alone.
GL Non se uniu ós xogos, nin á troula dos demais, senón que, ebria de novo polo poder conquistado, seguiu nadando soa.
Fonte: ESP (698)
EN After a terrible struggle such as had not been in the world before that night, Fin cut the head. But for Bran, Fin could never have conquered.
GL Despois dunha loita terrible como a que non houbo no mundo antes daquela noite, Fin cortoulle a cabeza ó seu inimigo. De non ser por Bran, Fin nunca tería vencido.
Fonte: BIR (134)
EN His science was simply human; and human science, I soon persuaded myself, could never conquer nature's laws so far as to imprison the soul for ever within its carnal habitation.
GL Os seus coñecementos eran puramente humanos; e o saber humano, conseguín convencerme a min mesmo, nunca chegaría a domina-las leis da natureza ata o punto de poder encerra-la alma para sempre na súa morada carnal.
Fonte: MOR (163)
EN Fourteen centuries ago, he says, a series of earthquakes seriously damaged the ancient city, once the capital of the kingdom of the Nabataeans, an Arab people who controled the caravan trade routes between Arabia and the Mediterranean before they were conquered by Rome in 106 A.D.
GL Hai catorce séculos, explica, unha serie de tremores ocasionaron graves danos á antiga capital do reino dos nabateos, ese pobo árabe que controlaba o comercio caravaneiro entre Arabia e o Mediterráneo na Antigüidade, antes de se someter a Roma no ano 106.
Fonte: C12 (490)