EN Then there was that indefinable connection between himself and Jack; who therefore would never let him alone; never.
GL Despois estaba esa indefinible conexión entre el mesmo e Jack, quen, de seguro, nunca o deixaría en paz, nunca.
Fonte: SEN (5673)
EN Of the twelve passengers in that coach, nine have been proved to have had a connection with the Armstrong case.
GL Dos doce pasaxeiros dese vagón, sabemos que nove tiveron algunha relación co caso Armstrong.
Fonte: ASA (5721)
EN There's nothing to stop people making a connection with the three war leaders you mentioned, who were fully tolerated and cynically accepted by Europe.
GL Nada impide, en efecto, establecer un vínculo con eses tres directores de orquestra da guerra, perfectamente tolerados e cinicamente aceptados por Europa.
Fonte: C09 (1241)