transitive verb
EN The genii who watch over the place, were obedient to my magic power, and revealed to me the spells by which the whole garden had been, as it were, conjured into existence, and by which it was rendered invisible.
GL Os xenios que gardan o lugar foron obedientes ó meu poder máxico e reveláronme os encantamentos baixo os que o xardín enteiro estivera, coma quen di, esconxurado na súa existencia, e polos cales foi feito invisible.
Fonte: ALH (268)
..... to conjure up
EN For some, it conjures up images of people helping the less fortunate-- providing assistance to children, the ill, the elderly or the blind.
GL Para algúns, a palabra voluntariado evoca imaxes de persoas que socorren os menos afortunados --brindando axuda ós nenos, os enfermos, as persoas maiores ou os cegos.
Fonte: C06 (133)