transitive or intransitive verb
EN Ah, but we have reason to believe that this crime is connected with the Armstrong case.
GL Si, pero temos motivos para crer que este crime está relacionado co caso Armstrong.
Fonte: ASA (3230)
EN It was a question, she remembered, how to connect this mass on the right hand with that on the left.
GL A cuestión era, lembraba, como conectar aquelas masas da banda dereita coas da esquerda.
Fonte: CAR (694)
EN He walked down the gallery and across the narrow "bridges" which connected the Lebrun cottages one with the other.
GL Camiñou pola galería cruzou os estreitos "pontelos" que comunicaban as casas dos Lebrun, unha coa outra.
Fonte: ESP (8)
EN The astrologer now gave orders to have various chambers hewn out of the solid rock, so as to form ranges of apartments connected with his astrological hall; these he caused to be furnished with luxurious ottomans and divans, and the walls to be hung with the richest silks of Damascus.
GL O astrólogo deu entón ordes para que houbese varias cámaras furadas na peneda maciza, para formaren rengues de apousentos unidos co seu salón astrolóxico; mandou tamén que os amoblasen con luxosas otomanas e mais diváns, e que das paredes pendurasen as máis ricas sedas de Damasco.
Fonte: ALH (160)
EN They connect much smaller groups of people to one another --neighbours, faith communities or people with common ethnic history.
GL Vinculan a grupos reducidos entre si --veciños, comunidades relixiosas e xente dunha mesma orixe étnica-.
Fonte: C10 (1242)