EN The debris of a snack lunch littered the kitchen table, and the unwashed dishes consorted very ill with Dr. Winkler's cleanness.
GL A pulcritude do doutor Winkler non casaba cos restos do xantar espallados pola mesa nin cos pratos sucios.
Fonte: TER (2024)
EN In my boyhood I was trained to habits of industry; I not only assisted my father in procuring dogs for his vats, but was frequently employed by my mother to carry away the debris of her work in the studio.
GL Na miña infancia inculcáronme os hábitos da industria; non só axudaba a meu pai procurando cans para os seus caldeiros, senón que miña nai encargábame con frecuencia que me desfixese dos despoxos do seu traballo no gabinete.
Fonte: OIL (65)