transitive verb
EN I wanted to frighten him, so there was no point in telling him that he had been followed all the time.
GL Quería asustalo, de modo que non era cuestión de confesarlle que o seguiran todo o tempo.
Fonte: TER (1491)
EN And then Minta was out when he came home and then there was that scene on the stairs, when he got the poker in case of burglars (no doubt to frighten her too) and spoke so bitterly, saying she had ruined his life.
GL E Minta aínda non voltara cando el chegou á casa, e logo houbera aquela escena nas escaleiras, cando collera o zoscadoiro por se había ladróns (e sen dúbida tamén para amedrentala a ela) e lle falara tan acedamente, dicíndolle que lle arruinara a vida.
Fonte: CAR (2738)