transitive verb
PAST: girt/girded. PART: girt/girded |
EN A beetling bastion of the fortress overlooked the palace and public square in front of it; and on this bastion the old governor would occasionally strut backwards and forwards, with his Toledo girded by his side, keeping a wary eye down upon his rival, like a hawk reconnoitering his quarry from his nest in a dry tree.
GL Un baluarte saínte da fortaleza espreitaba o palacio e maila praza pública que tiña diante, e por ese baluarte íase peneirar ás veces dun cabo a outro o vello gobernador, coa súa espada toledana cinguida á cintura e os ollos fixos sobre o seu rival de embaixo, coma un falcón a aluca-la súa presa dende o niño nunha árbore seca.
Fonte: ALH (11)