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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- harlot, harm, harmful, harmless, harmonics, harmonious, harmonization, harmonize, harmony, harness, harp, harpoon, harpy, harridan, harrowing, harsh, harshly, harshnes, hart


- noun
- rédea

EN He wanted it because it was his nature, because he had been gripped tight by that nameless, incomprehensible pride of the trail and trace --that pride which holds dogs in the toil to the last gasp, which lures them to die joyfully in the harness, and breaks their hearts if they are cut out of the harness.
GL Desexábaa porque estaba na súa natureza, porque se sentía dominado polo incomprensible orgullo do camiño e o arrastre: ese orgullo que empurra ós cans a tirar do trineo ata a morte, que os leva a morrer con satisfacción baixo das rédeas, que lles destroza o corazón se os arredan do equipo.
- Fonte: CHA (506)
- arnés

EN As a boy he had imagined the reins by which horses are driven as slender silken bands and it shocked him to feel at Stradbrooke the greasy leather of harness.
GL Cando rapaz imaxinaba as rendas que tiraban dos cabalos como delgadas faixas de seda, e ficara desilusionado en Stradbrooke ao sentir o coiro graxento dos arneses.
- Fonte: RET (3123)

- transitive verb
- xunguir

EN While Perrault packed the camp outfit and loaded the sled, the dog-driver proceeded to harness the dogs.
GL Mentres Perrault aparellaba o trineo e ataba a carga, François dispúxose a xungui-los cans.
- Fonte: CHA (657)