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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- holder, holding, hole, holiday, holiness, holistic, Holland, Hollands, holler, hollow, hollowly, hollowness, hollow-sounding, holly, hollyhock, Hollywood, holm-oak, holocaust, holster


- noun
- oco

EN He was such a miserable specimen, the children said, all humps and hollows.
GL Era un espécime tan coitado, dicían os nenos, cheo de vultos e de ocos.
- Fonte: CAR (42)
- baleiro

EN And she began to lay on a red, a grey, and she began to model her way into the hollow there.
GL E comezou a poñer un vermello e un gris, modelando o seu camiño ata chegar ó baleiro aquel.
- Fonte: CAR (2686)

- adjective
- oco

EN At length one morning at daybreak they reached the city of Seville, where the owl, who hated the glare and bustle of crowded streets, halted without the gate, and took up his quarters in a hollow tree.
GL Ó cabo, unha mañá, ó escreba-lo día, chegaron á cidade de Sevilla, onde a curuxa, que aborrecía a claridade lampexante e mailo rebumbio das rúas ateigadas, parou fronte da porta da vila e apousentou nunha árbore oca.
- Fonte: ALH (558)
- baleiro

EN In point of elegance and good sense, their merits are various; thus far they differ: but, in regard to the main point, they hold a lamentable equality of pretension -being all thoroughly hollow and barren of any practical use.
GL En cuestión de elegancia e sentido común, os seus méritos son varios; ata aí difiren; pero respecto ó punto principal, teñen unha igualdade lamentable de pretensión -sendo todos baleiros e carentes de calquera uso práctico-.
- Fonte: LET (155)
- afundido

EN Shabby and worn out, and not presumably (her cheeks were hollow, her hair was white) any longer a sight that filled the eyes with joy.
GL Descoidada, esgotada e, probablemente (as meixelas afundidas, o pelo branco), cun aspecto que xa non enchía os ollos de ledicia.
- Fonte: CAR (517)