con impaciencia
EN He heard her quick step above, heard her voice cheerful, then low; looked at the mats, tea-caddies, glass shades; waited quite impatiently; looked forward eagerly to the walk home, determined to carry her bag.
GL Escoitaba enriba os seus pasos lixeiros; escoitaba a súa voz animosa, logo baixa; miraba para os tapetes, botes de té, tulipas; agardaba con bastante impaciencia; pensaba con ilusión na volta á casa, decidido a levarlle o bolso.
Fonte: CAR (129)
EN His face flushed with annoyance, and taking off his soft hat he began to beat it impatiently against his leg as he walked.
GL A cara de Robert púxose rubia coa rabia. Quitou o lixeiro sombreiro e púxose a bater con el, impaciente, contra a perna, mentres seguía a camiñar.
Fonte: ESP (465)
con inquedanza
EN She beat the moss down impatiently, and muttered to herself sullenly.
GL Sacudía o lique con inquedanza, e fungaba anoxada.
Fonte: ESP (925)