EN He had a screw loose for her but she liked him in spite of it and was practically, against the rest of the world, his kind wise keeper, unremunerated but fairly amused and, in the absence of other near ties, not disreputably occupied.
GL Para ela, el estaba algo tolo, pero caíalle ben a pesar diso e era practicamente, contra o resto do mundo, a súa gardiana amable e sabia, non remunerada, pero si bastante entretida e, a falta doutros vínculos máis próximos, honradamente ocupada.
Fonte: BES (263)
EN Every morning, she would ask the keeper of the African animals for the droppings of the giraffes and the old lion, and would use them to work wonders on the flowers she grew in old saucepans.
GL Tódalas mañás la pedirlle ó coidador dos animais africanos esterco das xirafas ou do vello león, que logo utilizaba para obrar marabillas coas flores que cultivaba nunhas cazolas vellas.
Fonte: C23 (774)