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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- learner, learning, lease, leash, least, leastway, leather, leathern, leathery, leave, Lebanese, Lebanon, lecherous, lecture, lecturer, ledge, leek, leer, leery


- noun
- permiso

EN There's no one so hard worked but they can get leave to go off somewhere at this season.
GL Non hai ninguén que traballe tanto pero pode coller permiso para ir a algunha parte nesta tempada.
- Fonte: DAI (675)
.....--- leave of absence
- excedencia

EN Right, it was the What Cheer; went there at two in the morning, and had a chop and coffee after a hard six-hours grind over those Extension papers, and I tried to persuade you to come to London with me, and offered to get leave of absence for you and pay all your expenses, and give you something over if I succeeded in making the sale; and you would not listen to me.
GL Exacto, foi o "Qué Tal"; fomos ás dúas da mañá e tomamos un filete e un café despois de traballar duramente durante seis horas naqueles documentos da Prórroga, e eu intentei convencerte para que viñeses a Londres comigo, e ofrecinme a conseguirche o permiso de excedencia, e a pagarche tódolos gastos e darche unha parte no caso de que lograse efectua-la venda; e ti non quixeches escoitarme.
- Fonte: BIL (254)
.....--- to take leave of
- despedirse de

EN He had dined with his aunt, had been sitting with her since dinner, and had just taken leave of her till the morrow.
GL Tomara a cea coa tía, despois sentara con ela e agora acabara de despedirse dela ata o día seguinte.
- Fonte: DAI (389)

- transitive verb
- deixar

EN Mother's afraid to leave him alone, and the courier won't stay with him; so we haven't been to many places.
GL Mamá ten medo de deixalo só e o guía non quere quedar con el, por iso non fomos a moitos sitios.
- Fonte: DAI (253)
- marchar de

EN When Poirot rejoined his friend in the lounge, the other two men were just leaving the hotel.
GL Cando Poirot se reuniu co seu amigo no salón, os outros dous marchaban do hotel.
- Fonte: ASA (314)
- saír de

EN I should have seen him enter or leave the compartment.
GL Teríao visto entrar ou saír do compartimento.
- Fonte: ASA (1067)
- abandonar

EN Then he was to go away for they were birds ever going and coming, building ever an unlasting home under the eaves of men's houses and ever leaving the homes they had built to wander.
GL Entón el tiña que partir, xa que aqueles paxaros sempre ían e viñan, a construíren un fogar transitorio baixo os beirís das casas dos homes, e abandonando sempre os fogares para volveren a errar.
- Fonte: RET (4492)
.....--- to leave behind
- deixar atrás

EN Ichabod, who had no relish for this strange midnight companion, and bethought himself of the adventure of Brom Bones with the Galloping Hessian, now quickened his steed, in hopes of leaving him behind.
GL Ichabod, que non sentía ningunha atracción por aquel estraño compañeiro de media noite e que lembraba a experiencia que tivera Brom Bones co espectro de Hesse, azoutou ó seu cabalo, coa esperanza de deixalo atrás.
- Fonte: LEN (286)

- intransitive verb
- marchar

EN "Well, send him about his business when he bores you, Edna," instructed her husband as he prepared to leave.
GL Ben. Edna, cando te moleste mándao a paseo --aconselloulle o marido cando se dispuña a marchar.
- Fonte: ESP (59)
- saír

EN He turned and left quietly, and the people let him through.
GL E volvéndose, saíu en silencio por entre a xente que lle ía abrindo paso.
- Fonte: PER (464)