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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- lighten, lighter, light-hearted, lighthouse, lighting, lightly, lightness, lightning, lignite, like, likeable, likely, likeness, likewise, liking, lily, limb, limbo, lime


- preposition
- coma

EN Kino edged like a slow lizard down the smooth rock shoulder.
GL Kino descendía coma un lento lagarto polo liso lombo da rocha.
- Fonte: PER (1525)
- como

EN It was just a bit of information, like those paragraphs in The Times they call 'News in Brief'.
GL Era tan só un fragmento de información, como eses parágrafos do Times aos que chaman "breves".
- Fonte: TER (124)
- igual ca

EN The place of assembly in which he stood was roughly a triangle; but irregular and sketchy, like everything they made.
GL O lugar escollido para a reunión tiña unha certa feitura de triángulo, pero irregular e mal deseñado, igual ca todo o que eles facían.
- Fonte: SEN (2109)
- igual que

EN Like her daughter, Mrs Miller was dressed with extreme elegance; she had enormous diamonds in her ears.
GL Igual que a filla, Mrs Miller vestía con extremada elegancia. Levaba enormes diamantes nas orellas.
- Fonte: DAI (484)
- semellante a

EN Before them, something like a great ape was sitting asleep with its head between its knees.
GL Diante, algo semellante a un mono grande estaba sentado, coa cabeza debruzada entre as pernas, e adormecido.
- Fonte: SEN (3664)
- parecido a

EN Very likely they have never seen a man with such good manners, such fine clothes, so like a gentleman.
GL Moi seguro que nunca viron un home con tan boas maneiras, roupas tan finas, tan parecido a un cabaleiro.
- Fonte: DAI (335)

- transitive verb
- gustar

EN He liked her; he admired her; he still thought of the man in the drain-pipe looking up at her; but he felt it necessary to assert himself.
GL Ela gustáballe; admirábaa; aínda lembraba o home que mirara para ela desde a gabia; pero sentiu unha necesidade de autoafirmación.
- Fonte: CAR (1273)

- intransitive verb
- querer

EN And if Rose liked, she said, while Jasper took the message, she might choose which jewels she was to wear.
GL E se Rose quería, dixo, mentres Jasper levaba o recado, podería escolle-las xoias que ela ía levar.
- Fonte: CAR (1161)