EN His soul was foul with sin and he dared not ask forgiveness with the simple trust of those whom Jesus, in the mysterious ways of God, had called first to His side, the carpenters, the fishermen, poor and simple people following a lowly trade, handling and shaping the wood of trees, mending their nets with patience.
GL Tiña a alma lixada polo pecado e non ousaba pedir perdón coa sinxela confianza daqueles que Xesús, polos misteriosos camiños de Deus, chamara primeiro á Súa beira, os carpinteiros, os pescadores, xente pobre e simple que exercía oficios modestos, que traballaba ou modelaba a madeira das árbores, que remendaba con paciencia as redes.
Fonte: RET (2871)
EN In every way we may suppose that the humble would be exalted, and the noble and the proud would feel their stars and honours dwindle into baubles and child's play when they called to mind the lowly stations they had once occupied.
GL Debemos supoñer que, de calquera maneira, os humildes sentiríanse eloxiados e os nobres e orgullosos verían o seu honor e o seu prestixio reducidos a quincalla ao recordar a humilde posición que ocuparon noutros tempos.
Fonte: DOD (99)