EN A maid, in white fluted cap, offered the callers liqueur, coffee, or chocolate, as they might desire.
GL Unha doncela, con cofia branca encaixada, ofrecía ás visitas licor, café ou chocolate, ó gusto de cadaquén.
Fonte: ESP (1369)
EN A maid in a white cap and apron was watering a box of plants on a sill which shone like a slab of limestone in the warm glare.
GL Unha criada de mandil e cofia brancos regaba unha xardineira nun peitoril que brillaba como unha lousa de pedra calcaria baixo a luz cálida.
Fonte: RET (1893)
EN How did she exist in that portentous atmosphere where the maid was always removing in a dust-pan the sand that the parrot had scattered, and conversation was almost entirely reduced to the exploits --interesting perhaps, but limited after all-- of that bird?
GL ¿Como podía vivir naquel ambiente tan portentoso no que a serventa pasaba o día a recoller cunha pa a area que ciscaba o loro, e no que a conversa se reducía exclusivamente ás fazañas --se cadra interesantes pero, despois de todo, limitadas-- daquel paxaro?
Fonte: CAR (741)
empregada doméstica
EN At big conferences, complains Dibou Faye, a 14-year-old maid from Senegal, "adults speak for us".
GL "Nas grandes conferencias", queixase Dibou Fye, unha empregada doméstica senegalesa de 14 anos, "os adultos falan no noso nome".
Fonte: C20 (997)
..... old maid
EN There issued from him such a groan that any other woman in the whole world would have done something, said something --all except myself, thought Lily, girding at herself bitterly, who am not a woman, but a peevish, ill-tempered, dried-up old maid presumably.
GL Botou tal laio que obrigaría a calquera outra muller do mundo a facer algo, a dicir algo: a calquera menos a min, pensou Lily, repregándose amargamente en si mesma, que non son unha muller, senón presumiblemente unha solteirona reseca, rosmona e mexeriqueira.
Fonte: CAR (2336)