EN The beggars went back to the church steps, the stragglers moved off, and the neighbors departed so that the public shaming of Kino would not be in their eyes.
GL Os mendigos regresaron ós chanzos da igrexa, os curiosos liscaron e os veciños alonxáronse para non ver nos ollos de Kino a súa pública humillación.
Fonte: PER (215)
EN Every step which she took toward relieving herself from obligations added to her strength and expansion as an individual.
GL Cada paso que daba cara á liberación das obrigas dáballe forza e expansión como individuo.
Fonte: ESP (2628)
EN Yet three and a half years later, not a single worthy step has been taken.
GL Pero, tres anos e medio despois, non adoptaron ningunha medida que pague a pena.
Fonte: C28 (381)
transitive verb
EN The many peasants who go in their lifetime are careful not to step on ants or other insects, as they may be souls journeying to the shrine after death.
GL Os campesiños que van en vida coidan non tripar nas formigas ou noutros insectos, porque poden ser almas que viaxan ó santuario despois da morte.
Fonte: GAL (137)
EN He stepped back, and stepped right on the lady's foot behind him.
GL Deu un paso atrás e pisou a unha señora que alí estaba.
Fonte: VIX (4110)