EN And then the voice of God was heard in that garden, calling His creature man to account: and Michael, prince of the heavenly host, with a sword of flame in his hand, appeared before the guilty pair and drove them forth from Eden into the world, the world of sickness and striving, of cruelty and disappointment, of labour and hardship, to earn their bread in the sweat of their brow.
GL E entón, no xardín, oíuse a voz de Deus, pedíndolle contas á Súa criatura humana: e Miguel, o príncipe da hoste celestial, cunha espada chameante na man, apareceu diante da parella culpable e levounos fóra do Edén, ao mundo, ao mundo de doenzas e esforzos, de crueldades e desilusións, de traballos e penalidades, para gañaren o pan coa suor da súa fronte.
Fonte: RET (2417)