EN So, Lily thought, it was probably an excuse of his for moving, for getting out of earshot, that made Mr Bankes almost immediately say something about its being chilly and suggest taking a stroll.
GL Por iso, pensou Lily, probablemente fose unha escusa súa para afastárense, para non o oíren, polo que o señor Bankes axiña dixo algo verbo do fresco que ía e suxeriu dar un paseo.
Fonte: CAR (174)
intransitive verb
EN One Sunday afternoon, having gone to St Peter's with his aunt, Winterbourne perceived Daisy strolling about the great church in company with the inevitable Giovanelli.
GL Un domingo pola tarde, despois de ir a San Pedro coa tía, Winterbourne viu a Daisy paseando pola enorme igrexa en compaña do inevitable Giovanelli.
Fonte: DAI (1181)