intransitive verb
EN When he bashed into a tree Ralph looked sideways impatiently and Robert sniggered.
GL Cando se espetou contra unha árbore, Ralph, nervioso, mirou de esguello para outro lado e Robert riu polo baixo.
Fonte: SEN (3041)
transitive verb
EN You could see the whole field from there, and you could see the two teams bashing each other all over the place.
GL Podíase ve-lo campo todo dende alí, e os dous equipos a bater uns nos outros.
Fonte: VIX (43)
EN "The government thinks that by threatening me and bashing me they can silence me," says Maathai.
GL "Os gobernos pensan que ameazándome e agredíndome poden facerme calar", di Maathai.
Fonte: C23 (1522)