Pl: bases |
EN Some critics say that the basis of their character is suspicion and avarice, and certainly the Galician peasant is cautious and thrifty.
GL Algúns críticos din que a base do seu carácter é a avareza e a desconfianza, e, de certo, o campesiño é cauteloso e aforrador.
Fonte: GAL (65)
EN Mystical irresistible light, this would make the matter not better, but worse, inasmuch as her original adoption of his own curiosity had quite become the basis of her life.
GL Unha iluminación mística e irresistible, isto non melloraría a situación, senón que a empeoraría, pois o feito de que ela adoptase orixinalmente a propia curiosidade del convertérase no fundamento da súa existencia.
Fonte: BES (444)
..... on the basis of
en función de
EN In a market economy, the terms of trade are fixed by prices that various participants in the markets decide upon on the basis of their interests.
GL Na economía mercantil os prezos determinan a relación de intercambio e os actores deciden en función dos seus intereses.
Fonte: C08 (145)