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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- basis, basket, basketball, Basque, bass, bastard, Bastille, bastion, bat, batch, batfish, bath, bathe, bather, bathing, bathrobe, bathroom, bathtub, battalion


- noun
- montonciño

EN Aleck built a university or two per Sunday; also a hospital or two; also a Rowton hotel or so; also a batch of churches; now and then a cathedral; and once, with untimely and ill-chosen playfulness, Sally said, "It was a cold day when she didn't ship a cargo of missionaries to persuade unreflecting Chinamen to trade off twenty-four carat Confucianism for counterfeit Christianity".
GL Aleck construía unha universidade ou dúas tódolos domingos, e tamén un hospital ou dous, e un hotel Rowton ou algo así, ademais dun montonciño de igrexas; de vez en cando, unha catedral; e nunha ocasión, servíndose dun ton bastante inoportuno e pouco atinado, Sally dixo: "foiche un día de frío aquel no que ela deixou por enviar un cargamento de misioneiros para que persuadisen ós irreflexivos chineses de que renunciasen ó confucianismo puro a cambio do falso cristianismo".
- Fonte: LEG (473)
- lote

EN Between the fifth and seventh day after fertilizaton, a batch of 20 to 30 cells appear that are worth gold for scientists and patients suffering from a wide range of degenerative diseases and conditions.
GL Porque entre o quinto e o sétimo día seguintes á fertilización aparece un lote de 20 a 30 células, lendas viventes para os científicos e os pacientes víctimas de doenzas ou de estados dexenerativos diversos.
- Fonte: C26 (1095)