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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- begetting, beggar, beggar-man, begin, beginner, beginning, begrimed, beguile, beguiled, behalf, behave, behaviour, behavioural, behead, behest, behind, behold, beholder, behoove


- noun
.....--- on one's behalf
- en nome de

- Nesta expresión, a preposición on pode mudar a in, sobre todo en textos redactados en inglés americano.

EN With a feeling of humiliation on Simon's behalf, Ralph took back the conch, looking Simon sternly in the face as he did so.
GL Cun sentimento de humillación e en nome de Simon, Ralph colleulle outra vez a buguina mentres lle miraba con dureza para a cara.
- Fonte: SEN (2429)
- en favor de

EN They were universally written in Latin; and, the Latin of that age being good, they are so far agreeable to read; beyond this, and the praise of elegance in their composition and arrangement, I have not much to say in their behalf.
GL Estaban escritos universalmente en latín; e, como o latín daquela época era bo, ata aí son agradables de ler; alén disto, e da gabanza da elegancia na súa composición e disposición, non teño moito que dicir no seu favor.
- Fonte: LET (154)
- por conta de

EN The companies are primarily concerned about the costs of redesigning systems and undertaking surveillance activities on behalf of governments.
GL Ás empresas preocúpalles en primeiro lugar o custo de reestructuración dos sistemas e o desempeño de actividades de vixilancia por conta dos Estados.
- Fonte: C07 (523)
- a prol de

EN Unfortunately, there has been no sustained campaign on behalf of community radio in India.
GL Na India non se realizou ningunha campaña a prol das radios comunitarias.
- Fonte: C19 (408)
- en beneficio de

EN In the 19th century, when these peoples rose up against foreign rulers, the nationalist struggle was always on behalf of a single majority people, whose sturdy peasant values were often played up, to the detriment of all other elements in society, including the Roma.
GL Cando, sobre todo durante o século XIX, esas mesmas poboacións procuraron liberarse do xugo dos poderosos, as loitas nacionais leváronse a cabo en beneficio dun só pobo maioritario, con demasiada frecuencia caracterizado só polos valores do campesiñado, e iso a expensas de tódolos demais compoñentes das sociedades locais, entre outros os xitanos.
- Fonte: C24 (1042)
- en representación de

EN Rather, it had scribes, commonly known as "litigation tricksters", who might launch appeals on behalf of people who felt they had been wronged.
GL Había escribáns, ós que se adoitaba chamar avogados das silveiras, que podían interpoñer recursos en representación de persoas ás que se lles atropelaran os dereitos.
- Fonte: C32 (608)