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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- befall, befit, before, beforehand, befouled, beg, beget, begetting, beggar, beggar-man, begin, beginner, beginning, begrimed, beguile, beguiled, behalf, behave, behaviour


- noun
- Pl: beggar-men; FEM: beggar-woman
- esmoleiro

EN Despite their individualism in questions of property, the Galicians often seem a gregarious race, but they come together, in market and fair and pilgrimage and religious procession, only to separate again to a life of semi-isolation, just as the lonely beggar who, a sordid medley of red and brown and orange, wanders across the moors, sack on shoulder and long staff in hand, from farm to farm, or the beggar-women who sit outside Santiago Cathedral, grey and motionless as though only their quick, penetrating eyes were alive, or the witch or exorciser or curandeiro or gaiteiro or blind singer may for a moment become the centre of a group of many people.
GL Malia seren individualistas en cuestións de propiedade, os galegos a miúdo semellan unha raza gregaria xa que van xuntos ó mercado, á feira, á peregrinaxe e á procesión relixiosa, e só se separan para levar unha vida de semi-illamento, como fai o esmoleiro, unha sórdida mestura de vermello, castaño e laranxa que vagabundea polas gándaras e de lugar en lugar, cun saco ó ombreiro e un caxato longo na man, ou as esmoleiras que se sentan a carón da catedral de Santiago, grises e inmóbiles como se só os seus ollos rápidos e penetrantes estivesen vivos, ou coma se a bruxa, os exorcistas, os curandeiros, os gaiteiros ou os cegos puidesen por un momento converterse no centro dun numeroso grupo de persoas.
- Fonte: GAL (276)