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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- befit, before, beforehand, befouled, beg, beget, begetting, beggar, beggar-man, begin, beginner, beginning, begrimed, beguile, beguiled, behalf, behave, behaviour, behavioural


- transitive or intransitive verb
- NOTA 1: PAST: began. PART: begun. NOTA 2: Cando vai acompañado doutro verbo, o feito de que este apareza na forma en -ing ou en infinitivo non o fai mudar de significado. EX: She began crying = She began to cry > Empezou a chorar.
- encomezar

EN And they began this day with hope.
GL Encomezaban o día con esperanza.
- Fonte: PER (678)
- comezar

EN And as she looked at him she began to smile, for though she had not said a word, he knew, of course he knew, that she loved him.
GL E, ó mirar para el, comezou a sorrir, pois aínda que non dixera unha palabra, el sabíao, abofé que o sabía, que lle quería.
- Fonte: CAR (1936)
- empezar

EN As she seated herself and was about to begin to eat her soup, which had been served when she entered the room, several persons informed her simultaneously that Robert was going to Mexico.
GL Tan logo como sentou, e case a piques de empezar a toma-la sopa, servida cando ela entrara na estancia, varias persoas informárona simultaneamente de que Robert marchaba para México.
- Fonte: ESP (1107)
- iniciar

EN As they made no effort to communicate with me, but simply stood round me smiling and speaking in soft cooing notes to each other, I began the conversation.
GL Xa que non facían ningún esforzo por comunicarse comigo, e simplemente permanecían cerca de min sorrindo e falando con suaves notas arrolantes entre eles, iniciei a conversa.
- Fonte: TEM (550)
- principiar

EN For many months the bronze horseman remained on the peace establishment with his lance elevated in the air, and the worthy old monarch began to repine at the want of his accustomed sport, and to grow peevish at his monotonous tranquillity.
GL Dende había ben meses o cabaleiro de bronce ficaba estantío na postura de paz coa lanza ergueita no ar, e o digno e vello monarca principiou a magoar coa falla da súa acostumado distracción e virou amuado ante a súa tranquilidade monótona.
- Fonte: ALH (180)
- acometer

EN In 1997, a Council of Europe working group formed by law enforcement officials and interior ministers from select COE member countries, the U.S., Canada and Japan began drafting an international convention on cybercrime.
GL En 1997, un grupo de traballo do Consello de Europa, constituido tamén por funcionarios da policía e do ministerio do Interior dalgúns países membros (Estados Unidos, Canadá e Xapón), acometeu a redacción dunha convención internacional sobre a cibercriminalidade.
- Fonte: C07 (506)
- emprender

EN In view of this problem and a situation in which more than half the country's children drop out of school every year after primary education, the Kenyan authorities have begun to reform the educational system (see box).
GL Conscientes deste problema e de que un de cada dous nenos se distancia do sistema escolar desde o primeiro ciclo, os dirixentes kenyanos emprenderon a reforma do sistema educativo (ver recadro).
- Fonte: C13 (828)