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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- beef, beef-tea, beehive, beer, beet, beetle, beetling, befall, befit, before, beforehand, befouled, beg, beget, begetting, beggar, beggar-man, begin, beginner


- preposition, adverb or conjunction
- antes

EN The late moon arose before the first rooster crowed.
GL A lúa serodia nacera antes de que o primeiro galo cantara.
- Fonte: PER (1017)

- preposition
- diante de

EN But the cold charm in her eyes had spread, as she hovered before him, to all the rest of her person, so that it was for the minute almost a recovery of youth.
GL Pero o frío encanto dos seus ollos estendérase, mentres aboiaba no aire diante del, ó resto da súa persoa, e era coma se, durante un minuto, recobrase a mocidade.
- Fonte: BES (565)
- ante

EN I have even talked with Rip Van Winkle myself, who, when last I saw him, was a very venerable old man, and so perfectly rational and consistent on every other point, that I think no conscientious person could refuse to take this into the bargain; nay, I have seen a certificate on the subject taken before a country justice and signed with a cross, in the justice's own handwriting.
GL Eu mesmo falei con Rip Van Winkle, que, a derradeira vez que o vin, era un vello digno de todo respecto que razoaba con tal perfección e que era tan coherente en tódalas súas afirmacións, que penso que ningunha persoa sensata habería dubidar de que todo aquilo ocorreu realmente. Ademais, eu vin un certificado sobre o asunto levado ante o xulgado, e asinado cunha cruz, co puño e letra do propio xuíz.
- Fonte: RIP (237)
- perante

EN She did not perceive that she was talking like her father as the sleek geldings ambled in review before them.
GL Non se decatou de que estaba falando coma o seu pai, cando desfilaron perante eles os lustrosos cabalos castrados.
- Fonte: ESP (2053)
- en presenza de

- A forma ortográfica correcta deste termo é en presenza de. Na normativa anterior a 2003, a forma ortográfica correcta era en presencia de, que é a que se recolle no exemplo.

EN You behold before you a Bedouin Arab, the greater part of whose life has been passed in the solitudes of the desert.
GL Tedes na vosa presencia un árabe beduíno, que gastou a meirande parte da vida nas soidades do ermo.
- Fonte: ALH (756)

- adverb
- anterior

EN In a moment, both had disappeared and were adding their oil to that of the committee of citizens who had called the day before with an invitation to the public meeting.
GL Nun momento ambos desapareceran e estaban engadindo o seu aceite ó do comité de cidadáns que o día anterior lles levaran unha invitación para a asemblea pública.
- Fonte: OIL (115)
- previo a

EN This defused the tension that had built up before the second round of the election and the much-feared clashes between supporters of the two political leaders were avoided.
GL Tamén logrou suaviza-la tensión previa á segunda volta electoral, o que evitou os enfrontamentos que tanto temían os partidarios de ámbolos dirixentes.
- Fonte: C15 (2050)
.....--- before long
- ao pouco, ó pouco

EN Before long it became obvious that she was much disposed towards conversation.
GL Ó pouco parecía obvio que estaba máis que disposta a conversar.
- Fonte: DAI (125)