EN Lime could also, he said, keep him supplied with paper bafs -- the only currency in use from a penny upwards in British hotels and clubs.
GL Segundo dixo, Lime tamén lle subministraría vales: a única moeda dun penique para arriba que estaba en curso nos hoteis británicos e nos clubes.
Fonte: TER (73)
EN The lean young man in a long overcoat, who was to give a special display of intricate club swinging, stood near watching with interest, his silver-coated clubs peeping out of his deep side-pockets.
GL O rapaz fraco que levaba unha longa chambra e que se preparaba para facer un difícil exercicio de masas en rotación, ficaba preto observando con interese; as mazas prateadas asomando dos fondos petos.
Fonte: RET (1574)
EN He had this big château and all on the Riviera, in Europe, and all he did in his spare time was beat women off with a club.
GL Tiña un gran chateau na Riviera, en Europa, e o que facía no tempo libre era bater nas mulleres cun pau.
Fonte: VIX (3033)
EN Then he was a masterful dog, and what made him dangerous was the fact that the club of the man in the red sweater had knocked all blind pluck and rashness out of his desire for mastery.
GL Era un can poderoso, que aprendera baixo o garrote do home do xersei vermello a non ser confiado nin temerario, o que o facía máis perigoso aínda.
Fonte: CHA (502)
..... super club
EN The late 1990s gave rise to "super clubs", with rationalised administration and marketing strategies.
GL A fins dos anos noventa apareceron megadiscotecas dotadas dun estricto control e unha estratexia comercial.
Fonte: C15 (200)