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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- mythology, nag, nagging, nail, naive, naively, naivete, naked, nakedness, name, nameless, namely, namesake, Namibia, Namibian, nandrolone, nanotechnology, nap, napalm


- noun
- nome

EN There was always a conflict in Rollo Martins -- between the absurd Christian name and the sturdy Dutch (four generations back) surname.
GL Sempre houbo un enfrontamento en Rollo Martins: entre o ridículo nome de pía e o sólido apelido holandés, que xa se remontaba a catro xeracións.
- Fonte: TER (107)
- apelido

EN With the name Debenham running in her head, the Countess clutches at another name quickly, and the first that comes is Freebody.
GL Co apelido Debenham dándolle voltas na cabeza, cando a condesa tivo que pensar nun nome, o primeiro que lle veu á mente foi Freebody.
- Fonte: ASA (5589)
- fama

EN A desolating pity began to fall like dew upon his easily embittered heart for this faithful serving-man of the knightly Loyola, for this half-brother of the clergy, more venal than they in speech, more steadfast of soul than they, one whom he would never call his ghostly father; and he thought how this man and his companions had earned the name of worldlings at the hands not of the unworldly only but of the worldly also for having pleaded, during all their history, at the bar of God's justice for the souls of the lax and the lukewarm and the prudent.
GL Unha piedade desolada comezou a caer como orballo no seu corazón proclive á acedume, polo fiel servidor do cabaleiresco Loyola, por este medio irmán do clero, máis venal ca eles no discurso, máis rexo de alma ca eles, por aquel a quen nunca podería chamar padre espiritual; e pensou na fama de mundanos que este home e os seus compañeiros adquiriran, non só entre os marxinados do mundo, senón tamén entre os mundanos por teren mediado, durante toda a súa historia, nos tribunais da xustiza divina polas almas dos tibios, dos indiferentes e dos prudentes.
- Fonte: RET (2720)
.....--- Christian name
- nome de pía

EN I am glad you admit the fact so freely, Madame Will you now tell me your reasons for so doing and also for altering your Christian name on your passport.
GL Celebro que o recoñeza vostede tan axiña, Madame. ¿Querería agora contarme por qué razón o fixo e por qué alterou o seu nome de pía no pasaporte?
- Fonte: ASA (5154)

- transitive verb
- chamar

EN In old times, many hundred years ago, there was a Moorish king named Aben Habuz, who reigned over the kingdom of Granada.
GL No tempo dos devanceiros, hai ben centos de anos, había un rei mouro chamado Aben Habuz que reinaba no trono de Granada.
- Fonte: ALH (83)
- nomear

EN The world charitably supposed the latter, and some used to call the place "The King`s Folly," while others named it "The Fool`s Paradise".
GL A xente, por caridade, supuxo o segundo, e algúns adoitaban chamarlle ó lugar A Tolemia do Rei, mentres que outros o nomeaban O Paraíso do Necio.
- Fonte: ALH (324)
- bautizar

EN Private sector involvement was encouraged and a mascot for the Way was created, named Pelegrín.
GL Ó mesmo tempo que se alentaba o patrocinio privado, creouse unha mascota do Camiño, bautizada "Pelegrín".
- Fonte: C12 (825)