Sociolinguistics Symposium 21

Do 15 ao 18 de xuño celebrouse na Universidad de Murcia o Sociolinguistics Symposium 21 (SS21), que este ano estivo centrado no tema das actitudes e o prestixio lingüísticos.
Neste encontro participou diverso persoal investigador do ILG:
Anik Nandi: "Parents as stakeholders: Language management in urban Galician homes"
Anik Nandi / Facundo Reyna Muniain / Ibon Manterola: "New speaker parents‘ language revitalisation strategies in diasporic and autochthonous contexts: Cases from Galician and Basque medium immersion schools"
Irene Santos Raña: "The perception of the language contact in the eastern and southern borders of Galicia"
Isabel Corral Pérez: "Aproximación a la realidad lingüística mexicana: derechos y actitudes"
Leonardo Lennertz Marcotulio / Cláudio Leonardo Santos: "Variation and change in the possessive system in Medieval Galician-Portuguese"
Soraya Suárez Quintas: "We are those who speak better": Perceptions of variation and prestige in Galician language"