Galnet - WordNet 3.0 do Galego

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Extracción terminolóxica

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Este synset non ten categoría gramatical nominal. Aconséllase iniciar a exploración desde un synset que represente un ámbito terminolóxico.
- 01860497-n screamer | | gooselike aquatic bird of South America having a harsh trumpeting call  { [3] bird }
- 07120524-n call, cry, outcry, shout, vociferation, yell | berro, clamor, grito, protesta | a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition { [1] utterance }
- 07121157-n cry, yell | clamor, grito | a loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate) { [1] utterance }
- 07121361-n bellow, bellowing, holla, holler, hollering, hollo, holloa, roar, roaring, yowl | brado | a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal) { [2] utterance }
- 07123012-n scream, screaming, screech, screeching, shriek, shrieking | | sharp piercing cry { [2] utterance }
- 07123552-n shouting, yelling | | uttering a loud inarticulate cry as of pain or excitement  { [2] utterance }

1. Límite de distancia (nivel máximo de exploración de cada relación):

+ Configuración avanzada
4 synsets, 2 deles (50 %) con 5 variantes en galego
[0]  00913982-v  | eng:   hurrah  | glg:   { [3] utterance }
[+1]   1   has_hyperonym   00913065-v  |  eng:  call, cry, holler, hollo, scream, shout, shout_out, squall, yell  | glg: berrar, chamar, clamar, gritar   { [2] utterance } [+2]   1   see_also_wn15   00912048-v  |  eng:  call_out, cry, cry_out, exclaim, outcry, shout  | glg: exclamar   { [2] utterance } [+2]   2   see_also_wn15   00975584-v  |  eng:  call_out    { [3] communicator }

Verificación dos termos nun corpus etiquetado semanticamente (UKB)
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Seminario de Lingüística Informática - Grupo TALG, Universidade de Vigo, 2019
Deseño e programación: Xavier Gómez Guinovart & Miguel Solla
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