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Dictionary of Dictionaries
Galician and Portuguese Word Bank
Galician Synonym Dictionary
Galnet Dictionary
Galnet - Galician WordNet 3.0
Galician Medieval Dictionary of Dictionaries
Termoteca - Terminological Databank of the University of Vigo
Neoteca - Neologisms Databank of the University of Vigo
Aquén - Galician Toponymy Databank
English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary
French-Galician CLUVI Dictionary
Spanish-Galician CLUVI Dictionary

Computer Corpus of the Galician Language (TILG)
CTG Corpus - Galician Technical Corpus (legal texts)
CTG Corpus - Galician Technical Corpus (ecology texts)
CTG Corpus - Galician Technical Corpus (economy texts)
CTG Corpus - Galician Technical Corpus (computing texts)
CTG Corpus - Galician Technical Corpus (sociology texts)
CTG Corpus - Galician Technical Corpus (medical texts)
Computerized Mediaeval Corpus of the Galician Language (Xelmírez)

CLUVI Corpus (Latin-Galician-Portuguese-Catalan-French-Italian-Spanish-English-German-Basque-Chinese, biblical texts)
CLUVI Corpus (Galician-Spanish, legal texts)
CLUVI Corpus (English-Galician-French-Spanish, The Unesco Courier texts)
CLUVI Corpus (English-Galician, software localization)
CLUVI Corpus (English-Galician, literary texts)
CLUVI Corpus (French-Galician, literary texts)
CLUVI Corpus (German-Galician, literary texts)
CLUVI Corpus (Galician-Spanish, literary texts)
CLUVI Corpus (Spanish-Galician-Catalan-Basque, Consumer information)
CLUVI Corpus (Spanish-Galician, tourism texts)
CLUVI Corpus (Galician-Chinese, film subtitling texts)
CLUVI Corpus (English-Galician, film subtitling texts)
CLUVI Multimedia Corpus (English-Galician, film subtitling)
SensoGal Corpus (English-Galician SEMCOR, informative texts)
SensoGal Corpus (Galician-Catalan-Spanish-Basque, biblical texts)
SensoGal Corpus (Galician-European Portuguese-French-English, biblical texts)
SensoGal Corpus (Galician-Spanish, legal texts)
SensoGal Corpus (English-Galician-French-Spanish, The Unesco Courier texts)
SensoGal Corpus (Spanish-Galician-Catalan-Basque, consumer information)
SensoGal Corpus (English-Galician, literary texts)
SensoGal Corpus (French-Galician, literary texts)
SensoGal Corpus (English-Galician, film subtitling texts)