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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2010
University of Vigo

French-Galician CLUVI Dictionary

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

Title page Foreword Search again
- abdication, abîme, abject, abnégation, aboiement, abonder, aborder, abri, abrutissement, absence, accepter, accès, acclamation, accompagner, accomplir, accorder, acheter, achever, acide


- subst. f.
- ausencia

FR Quelqu'un est venu pendant notre absence, a pris possession de la demeure et a retiré l'échelle!
GL Alguén veu durante nosa ausencia, tomou posesión da casa e retirou a escada!
- Fonte: ILL (4874)