noun or adjective
EN Sometimes his crew would be heard dashing along past the farmhouses at midnight, with whoop and halloo, like a troop of Don Cossacks; and the old dames, startled out of their sleep, would listen for a moment till the hurry-scurry had clattered by, and then exclaim, "Ay, there goes Brom Bones and his gang!".
GL Ás veces, oíanse a el e ós seus compañeiros atravesa-las granxas a media noite a todo galope, e berrando coma se fosen unha tropa de cosacos. Cando esto ocorría, as vellas espertaban do seu sono e escoitaban durante uns instantes aquel barullo ata que pasaba de largo, e entón exclamaban: --¡Ai! ¡Velaí Van Brom Bones e a súa banda!
Fonte: LEN (113)