transitive verb
EN -- To receive that call, Stephen, said the priest, is the greatest honour that the Almighty God can bestow upon a man.
GL --Recibir esa chamada -- dixo o crego-- é o maior honor que o Deus Todopoderoso pode dispoñer sobre un home.
Fonte: RET
EN The slow-moving, idly gazing Roman crowd bestowed much attention upon the extremely pretty young foreign lady who was passing through it upon his arm; and he wondered what on earth had been in Daisy's mind when she proposed to expose herself, unattended, to its appreciation.
GL O parsimonioso e ociosamente observador xentío romano concedíalle enorme atención á fermosísima estranxeira que paseaba collida do seu brazo. E el preguntábase que diaño tiña Daisy na cabeza cando decidiu expoñerse, sen compañía ningunha, á apreciación deles.
Fonte: DAI (863)
EN It bestows sacredness upon human life, which supports the impulse towards preserving life by available medical technologies.
GL Confírelle un carácter sagrado á vida humana, o que xustifica o afán de preservala recorrendo a tódalas tecnoloxías médicas dispoñibles.
Fonte: C10 (945)