EN Surely she could imitate from recollection the glow, the rhapsody, the self-surrender she had seen on so many women's faces (on Mrs Ramsay's, for instance) when on some occasion like this they blazed up -- she could remember the look on Mrs Ramsay's face -- into a rapture of sympathy, of delight in the reward they had, which, though the reason of it escaped her, evidently conferred on them the most supreme bliss of which human nature was capable.
GL Non había dúbida de que podía arremedar, facendo memoria, a fogaxe, a rapsodia, a entrega que vira nos rostros de tantas mulleres (no da señora Ramsay, por exemplo) cando resplandecían nunha ocasión coma esta -- podía lembra-lo aspecto da señora Ramsay -- nun arroubo de compaixón, de pracer pola recompensa que recibían, o que, evidentemente, e non daba entendido por que, lles outorgaba a maior dita da que é capaz a natureza humana.
Fonte: CAR (2313)
EN The passions which had for centuries distinguished our race, came thronging with the fancies for which they had been equally noted, and together breathed a delirious bliss over the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass.
GL As paixóns que durante séculos distinguiran a nosa raza fundíranse tamén coas fantasías que os caracterizaran, e xuntas respiraban unha delirante felicidade no val da Herba Multicolor.
Fonte: LEO (35)
EN She could picture at that moment no greater bliss on earth than possession of the beloved one.
GL Naquel intre non podía concibir maior gloria na terra que a da posesión do ser amado.
Fonte: ESP (3202)
EN A little apart from the rest, sunk in deep maternal bliss, lay the largest sow of the lot.
GL Un chisco arredada do resto, mergullada nunha fonda ledicia maternal, descansaba a femia máis grande da larada.
Fonte: SEN (4016)