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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- blemish, blend, blending, bless, blessed, blessing, blest, blight, blighting, blind, blindcord, blindfolded, blinding, blindly, blindness, blink, blinking, bliss, blissful


- noun
- persiana

EN Then all through the house there would be a sense of doors slamming and blinds fluttering as if a gusty wind were blowing and people scudded about trying in a hasty way to fasten hatches and make things shipshape.
GL En toda a casa reinaba a impresión de que as portas se batían e as persianas se axitaban coma se soprasen refachos de vento, e a xente andaba ás carreiras tentando pechar portelos e poñe-las cousas en orde.
- Fonte: CAR (3219)
- pantalla

EN To begin with, you must realize that me threatening letters were in the nature of a blind.
GL Débese vostede decatar de que as famosas cartas ameazadoras non son máis ca unha pantalla.
- Fonte: ASA (5034)
- cortina

EN The daylight without was already failing and, as it fell slowly through the dull red blinds, it seemed that the sun of the last day was going down and that all souls were being gathered for the judgement.
GL A luz do día xa esmorecía e, mentres caía de vagar a través das cortinas vermellas e sombrías, semellaba que o sol do día derradeiro andaba a afundirse e que todas as almas estaban sendo reunidas para o xuízo.
- Fonte: RET (2577)

- adjective
- cego

EN It was a foolish impulse, but the devil begotten of fear and blind anger was ill curbed and still eager to take advantage of my perplexity.
GL Era un impulso tolo, pero o diaño xerara en min un medo e unha furia cega irrefreables, e incluso parecía ansioso de aproveita-la miña perplexidade.
- Fonte: TEM (822)
- chosco

EN "Sometimes," the doctor went on in a liquid tone, "sometimes there will be a withered leg or a blind eye or a crumpled back".
GL -Ás veces -continuou o médico en ton melifluo-, ás veces pódelles quedar unha perna sen rixo ou un ollo chosco ou as costas con chepa.
- Fonte: PER (497)
- sen saída

EN In a recent book El mito del desarrollo (--The Myth of Development'), Peruvian diplomat Oswaldo de Rivero warns that many national economies will become non-viable in the 21st century and analyses the failure of current development theories which, he says, are taking the world down a blind alley.
GL No seu libro El mito del desarrollo, o peruano Oswaldo de Rivero explica por que moitas nacións serán inviables no século XXI e denuncia as teorías desenvolvistas que, ó seu xuízo, están levando o mundo cara a unha rúa sen saída.
- Fonte: C12 (1712)
- non vidente

EN Nowadays, voice-activated computers and Braille give blind people access to the Internet.
GL Gracias á síntese vocal e ó braille, aparellos especiais permítenlles hoxe ós non videntes acceder á Internet.
- Fonte: C24 (205)

- transitive verb
- cegar

EN Ralph continued to blow till his ears were singing with the effort, but then the first breeze of dawn took the job off his hands and blinded him with ashes.
GL Ralph continuou soprando ata que lle asubiaron os oídos polo esforzo; logo, a primeira airexa do amencer relevouno do traballo e cegouno coas cinzas.
- Fonte: SEN (5158)
- volver cego

EN It can in fact blind them to injustices they are responsible for in the present.
GL Antes ó contrario, pode volvelo cego ás inxustizas de que é responsable no presente.
- Fonte: C23 (79)