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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- bounty, bouquet, bourbon, bourdon, bourgeois, bourgeoisie, bout, boutique, bovine, bow, bowels, bower, bowl, bowling, bowstave, box, boxer, boxing, boy


- noun
- reverencia

EN She made an awkward, imperious little bow as she went in.
GL Fixo unha pequena reverencia, torpe e arrogante, ó entrar.
- Fonte: ESP (616)
- proa

EN Now he came to the canoe and touched the bow tenderly as he always did.
GL En canto chegou á canoa, aloumiñoulle a proa tenramente, como facía sempre.
- Fonte: PER (245)
- inclinación

EN The newcomer gave a little bow to the girl.
GL O novo comensal saudou a rapaza cunha suave inclinación.
- Fonte: ASA (125)
- arco

EN Then like a red-hot bow in the sky appeared the edge of the sun.
GL E entón apareceu o bordo do Sol no ceo, coma un arco quente e vermello.
- Fonte: TEM (1857)
- lazo

EN And Juana combed and braided her hair and tied the ends with two little bows of red ribbon, and she put on her marriage skirt and waist.
GL E Juana peiteou e entrenzou o seu cabelo e atou as puntas con dous pequenos lazos de raso vermello e puxo a blusa e o corpiño da voda.
- Fonte: PER (711)

- transitive verb
- inclinar

EN And, like some queen who, finding her people gathered in the hall, looks down upon them, and descends among them, and acknowledges their tributes silently, and accepts their devotion and their prostration before her (Paul did not move a muscle but looked straight before him as she passed), she went down, and crossed the hall and bowed her head very slightly, as if she accepted what they could not say: their tribute to her beauty.
GL E, coma unha raíña que, atopando os seus súbditos reunidos no vestíbulo, os mira desde enriba e descende uníndose a eles, agradecendo en silencio a súa homenaxe e aceptando a súa devoción e o seu sometemento (Paul non moveu un só músculo e mirou de fite a fite para ela cando pasou), baixou, e cruzou o vestíbulo inclinando moi lixeiramente a cabeza, coma se aceptase aquilo que eles non podían expresar: a homenaxe á súa fermosura.
- Fonte: CAR (1208)
- apoiar

EN Mr Casey, freeing his arms from his holders, suddenly bowed his head on his hands with a sob of pain.
GL O señor Casey, ceibando os brazos que o suxeitaban, apoiou de súpeto a cabeza nas mans cun salouco de dor.
- Fonte: RET (877)
- baixar

EN For the moment the boys were a closed circuit of sympathy with Piggy outside: he went very pink, bowed his head and cleaned his glasses again.
GL Por un instante os rapaces formaron un círculo pechado de complicidade que puña fóra ó Piggy. Este arrubiou, baixou a cabeza e volveu limpa-las lentes.
- Fonte: SEN (445)

- intransitive verb
- facer unha reverencia

EN Eugenio had looked at Winterbourne from head to foot, he now bowed gravely to the young lady.
GL Eugenio mirara a Winterbourne de pés a cabeza, agora fixo unha reverencia seria diante da moza.
- Fonte: DAI (281)
- inclinarse

EN When he bowed there was a very slight creak as though his shirt were made of celluloid.
GL Cando se inclinou escoitouse un leve renxer, como se tivera unha camisa de celuloide.
- Fonte: TER (799)
- saudar

EN Sees Jack and bows to him with icy coldness.
GL Ve a Jack e saúdao friamente cunha reverencia.
- Fonte: ERN (287)
- despedir

EN By this time another customer was entering, and the landlord hinted to me to put the monster out of sight; then he bowed me all the way to the door, and I started straight for that house and those brothers, to correct the mistake which had been made before the police should hunt me up, and help me do it.
GL Daquela entrou outro cliente e o patrón deume a entender que non deixase á vista aquela monstruosidade; logo despediume cumprimentadamente de camiño cara á porta, e eu marchei dereito cara á casa e cara a aqueles irmáns para rectifica-lo erro cometido antes de que a policía puidese encontrarme e me axudase a facelo.
- Fonte: BIL (57)