Fem: girl |
EN He became the ally of a boy named Aubrey Mills and founded with him a gang of adventurers in the avenue.
GL Fixo amizades cun rapaz chamado Aubrey Mills e argallou con el na avenida onde vivía unha banda de aventureiros.
Fonte: RET (1377)
EN "Ever since I was a boy, I've thought you the greatest novelist of our century".
GL --Desde que era un meniño considereino o mellor novelista do noso século.
Fonte: TER (380)
EN She was trying to get these tiresome stockings finished to send to Sorley's little boy tomorrow, said Mrs Ramsay.
GL Estaba tratando de remata-los calcetíns, que xa a amolaban, para enviarllos ó día seguinte ó fillo pequeno de Sorley, dixo a señora Ramsay.
Fonte: CAR
EN A small boy rode along on a donkey with a smaller boy in front of him and a baby in each of the wooden box panniers, all four in many dull colours with small dark blue bérets.
GL Un rapaciño cabalgaba sobre un burro levando un pícaro montado diante súa e un meniño naipelo en cada unha das caixas de madeira que facían de alforxas, todos catro vestidos con moitas cores escuras e con boinas azuis do mesmo ton.
Fonte: GAL (466)
EN His voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion, the other little boys began to shake and sob too.
GL A súa voz elevouse baixo o fume negro, perante as ruínas queimadas da illa; contaxiados por esta emoción, os outros cativos tamén se puxeron a saloucar.
Fonte: SEN (6223)
EN The boys were tumbling about, clinging to his legs, imploring that numerous things be brought back to them.
GL Os nenos brincaban ó redor, agarrando as pernas do pai, e implorándolle que lles trouxese moreas de cousas.
Fonte: ESP (163)
EN Some French writer that I read when I was a boy, said that the desert went into the heart of the Jews in their wanderings and made them what they are.
GL Algún escritor francés ao que lin sendo eu mozo dicía que o deserto entrara no corazón dos xudeus e fixera deles o que son.
Fonte: CEL (124)