EN One, wearing a military dress of buff, was his kinsman, Francis Lincoln, the Provincial Captain of Castle William; the other, who sat on a low stool beside his chair, was Alice Vane, his favorite niece.
GL Unha, levando un traxe militar de ante, era o seu parente Francis Lincoln, o capitán provincial do Castelo William; a outra, que se sentaba nunha banqueta baixa diante da súa cadeira, era Alice Vane, a súa sobriña favorita.
Fonte: EDW (29)
EN Hikers, mountain-climbers, tourists, sports enthusiasts and railroad buffs make up most of the Semmering's summer population.
GL Sendeiristas, alpinistas, turistas, deportistas, amantes dos ferrocarrís constitúen o esencial da poboación ocasional do Semmering.
Fonte: C06 (1160)
..... to one's buff
en pirinxolas
EN My first cousin, Fonsy Davin, was stripped to his buff that day minding cool for the Limericks but he was up with the forwards half the time and shouting like mad.
GL Meu curmán carnal, Fonsy Davin, quedou en pirinxolas defendendo a meta dos de Limerick, pero máis da metade do tempo estivo arriba, cos dianteiros, berrando como un louco.
Fonte: RET (3530)
EN The red coat was changed for one of blue and buff, a sword was held in the hand instead of a sceptre, the head was decorated with a cocked hat, and underneath was painted in large characters, General Washington.
GL A chaqueta vermella fora substituída por outra azul e ocre; tiña unha espada na man, en lugar dun cetro; a cabeza estaba decorada cun sombreiro de tres picos e ó seu pé, pintado con grandes letras, poñía Xeneral Wasington.
Fonte: RIP (150)