EN A buffet laden with coffee cups; an urn steamed; a woman's face shiny with exertion; two young men with the happy intelligent faces of sixth-formers; and, huddled in the background, like faces in a family album, a multitude of the old-fashioned, the dingy, the earnest and cheery features of constant readers.
GL Había un buffet preparado co servicio de café e unha cafeteira a ferver, unha muller a suar co interese que poñía na tarefa, dous mozos coa expresión intelixente e feliz dos que están no último curso e, como pano de fondo, igual que caras nun álbum de fotos de familia, a morea de rostros dos lectores empedernidos: acartonados e vellos, sinceros e contentos.
Fonte: TER (1294)
EN A buffet of wind made him stagger and he saw that he was out in the open, on rock, under a brassy sky.
GL Un refacho de vento fíxoo cambalear e decatouse de que estaba no aberto, sobre as rochas, baixo un ceo cor de bronce.
Fonte: SEN (4396)
EN It was there also that she ate, keeping her belongings in a rare old buffet, dingy and battered from a hundred years of use.
GL Xantaba alí mesmo e gardaba as súas pertenzas nun aparador estraño e vello, deslucido e baqueteado tras cen anos de uso.
Fonte: ESP (1685)
transitive verb
EN Hostages to the education system reform, which itself has been buffeted by political squabbles and changing governments, many teachers have left teaching altogether for business careers.
GL Pillados entre unha reforma da educación zarandeada por querelas políticas e alternancias gobernamentais, numerosos profesores acabaron por abandona-lo ensino e dedicarse a "negocios".
Fonte: C17 (385)