A forma ortográfica correcta deste termo é construtor. Na normativa anterior a
2003, a forma ortográfica correcta era constructor, que é a que se recolle no
exemplo. |
EN It was as though suddenly, fingering that bare wall, his fingers had encountered, not so much a crack perhaps, but at least a roughness that had not been smoothed away by the careful builders.
GL Foi como se de repente, naquela parede tan lisa, os seus dedos atoparan, xa que non unha fenda, polo menos certa rugosidade na que os precavidos constructores non repararan.
Fonte: TER (863)
EN Some of these volunteers once earned their living as mechanics, engineers or builders, and they take great pride in teaching their skills to younger members.
GL Algúns destes voluntarios son antigos mecánicos, enxeñeiros ou albaneis. Están orgullosos de transmitiren as súas competencias ós máis novos.
Fonte: C06 (583)
EN With the survival of the reclaimed sea, the efforts of dozens of dam builders and the livelihoods of several hundred fishermen at stake, the World Bank seems likely to come up with some funds.
GL Parece verosímil que o Banco Mundial achegue algún financiamento, dado que están en xogo a supervivencia dun mar recobrado, o traballo de ducias de obreiros e a subsistencia de varios centenares de pescadores afectados.
Fonte: C10 (793)