EN He explained that the wires in modern coils were of a compound called platinoid lately discovered by F. W. Martino.
GL Explicou que os fíos das bobinas modernas eran dun composto chamado platinoide recentemente descuberto por F.W. Martino.
Fonte: RET (3749)
EN Then I got a big pebble from the river, and came and hammered till I had flattened a coil in the decorations, and the verdigris came off in powdery flakes.
GL Entón collín un gran coio do río, volvín, e petei con el os paneis ata que aplanei unha espiral das decoracións e o óxido caeu en láminas poeirentas.
Fonte: TEM (852)
intransitive verb
EN The foamy wavelets curled up to her white feet, and coiled like serpents about her ankles.
GL As ondiñas escumosas arremuiñábanse contra os seus brancos pés, enroscándoselle nos nocellos coma serpes.
Fonte: ESP (3299)