EN At the conclusion of this miraculous legend I inquired of mine host whether the picture still remained in the chamber over our heads, but Mr. Tiflfany informed me that it had long since been removed, and was supposed to be hidden in some out-of-the-way corner of the New England Museum.
GL Coa conclusión desta milagrosa lenda, perguntei ao meu anfitrión se o cadro aínda permanecía na cámara de sobre as nosas cabezas; mais o Sr. Tiffany informoume que había tempo fora mudado, e supúñase que estaba oculto nalgún afastado recuncho do Museo de Nova Inglaterra.
Fonte: EDW (153)
EN She left them in heated argument, speculating about the conclusion of the tale which their mother promised to finish the following night.
GL Deixounos nunha acalorada discusión, facendo cábalas acerca do final, que a súa nai lles prometeu contar para a seguinte noite.
Fonte: ESP (1170)